Conducting Public Hearings

Public hearings will be held on 5, 6, 7, 12 and 19 August 2024.

Information on public hearings and witnesses is below.

Live broadcast can be viewed here or on the parliamentary activity page on the day.

Upcoming public hearings

  • Davui Room, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002

    9:00 AM

    ANROWS Jane Lloyd, Director, Research and Evaluation Nicola Helps, Senior Project Officer

    10:05 AM

    Sexual Assault Services Victoria Kathleen Maltzahn, Chief Executive Officer Amy Webster, Policy, Advocacy and Research Manager

    11:10 AM

    Our Watch Amanda Alford, Director Ebony King, Senior Policy Advisor

    12:55 PM
    Alcohol and other drugs panel

    Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association Gillian Clark, AOD Strategy and Reform Manager Meg Bagnall, Lead AOD & Family Violence YSAS Bianca Johnston, Family Violence Specialist Dom Ennis, General Manager of Quality and Service Development

    2:00 PM
    Culturally and linguistically diverse panel

    inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence Rasha Abbas, Chief Executive Officer Centre for Multicultural Youth Peta Fualau, Senior Manager Programs and Services Sameera Fieldgrass, Practice Leader, Sector and Community Partnerships Victorian Multicultural Commission Vivienne Nguyen, Chairperson

    3:10 PM
    Safe and Equal

    To be confirmed

    4:10 PM

    Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand Stella Avramopoulos, Chief Executive Officer Livia La Rocca, General Manager, Integrated Place-Based Services, Vic East & NSW Jozica Kutin, General Manager, Advocacy & Service Impact
  • Davui Room, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002

    9:00 AM
    Legal panel

    To be confirmed

    11:10 AM
    Older Victorians panel

    To be confirmed

    1:00 PM
    Mallee panel

    To be confirmed

    2:00 PM
    LGBTIQA+ panel

    To be confirmed

    3:05 PM
    Berry Street

    To be confirmed

    4:05 PM
    Family violence regional integration committees panel

    To be confirmed
  • Eastern Hub Geelong, 285A McKillop Street, East Geelong, 3219

    9:30 AM
    Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service

    To be confirmed

    10:20 AM
    National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Alliance

    To be confirmed

    11:20 AM

    To be confirmed

    12:25 PM
    Barwon Area Integrated Family Violence Committee

    To be confirmed

    1:50 PM
    Women's Health Grampians

    To be confirmed

    2:40 PM
    The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre

    To be confirmed

    3:35 PM
    Child and Family Services Ballarat

    To be confirmed
  • Davui Room, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002

    9:00 AM
    Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University

    To be confirmed

    10:00 AM
    Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation

    To be confirmed

    11:05 AM
    No to Violence

    To be confirmed

    12:10 PM
    Faith panel

    To be confirmed

    1:45 PM
    Academic panel 1

    To be confirmed

    2:50 PM
    Academic panel 2

    To be confirmed

    3:50 PM
    Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

    To be confirmed

Previous public hearings

Corrected transcripts of these hearings are published below when finalised by the Committee.

  • Davui Room, 55 Saint Andrews Place, East Melbourne, 3002

    1:45 PM

    Crime Statistics Agency Fiona Dowsley, Chief Statistician

    3:20 PM

    The University of Melbourne Department of Social Work Kristin Diemer, Principal Research Fellow