Referred (Terms of Reference) | The Committee is not yet accepting submissions.

The Committee will be investigating wildlife roadstrike in Victoria, focussing on the capacity of relevant legislation and regulation to monitor wildlife road strike, promote driver education and raise public awareness. It will also examine the involvement, training and expenditure of paid and volunteer rescue and rehabilitative organisations and individuals, as well as any new and emerging technologies and infrastructure used to prevent road strikes. The inquiry will also consider the impact of road strike on Victorian motorists, including major trauma incidents and motor vehicle damage.


On 26 August 2024, the Economy and Infrastructure Committee agreed to the following self-referral motion:

That the Economy and Infrastructure Committee inquire into, consider and report by 30 November 2025 on wildlife road strike in Victoria, in particular the Committee should consider:

(1)     The scope, application, and enforcement of relevant legislation and regulatory frameworks, and their ability to monitor wildlife road strike, promote driver education and raise public awareness;

(2)    The involvement, training and expenditure of paid and volunteer rescue and rehabilitative organisations and individuals in attending to, and managing, road strike incidents;

(3)    New and emerging technologies and infrastructure used to prevent road strikes;

(4)    The impact of road strike on Victorian motorists, including major trauma incidents and motor vehicle damage;

(5)    The impact of development and infrastructure on incidents of wildlife road strike;

(6)    International best practice standards to decrease wildlife road strike;

(7)    Current methods of collating data on wildlife road strike and its effectiveness; and

(8)    Any other related matters.

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Parliament of Victoria
Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee
Parliament House, Spring Street


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