Thursday, 18 May 2023
Acland Street and Fitzroy Street, St Kilda
Acland Street and Fitzroy Street, St Kilda
Nina TAYLOR (Albert Park) (17:18): (188) My adjournment matter tonight is directed to the Minister for Police. The action I seek is for the minister to join me to visit the St Kilda police station to discuss safety concerns on Acland Street and Fitzroy Street. St Kilda is a dynamic community and our local police officers do an outstanding job tackling challenging crime issues to keep our community safe. St Kilda residents recently had the opportunity to have their say on community safety through the community sentiment survey 2023. It provided community members with an opportunity to share safety concerns, how they would like to interact with police and where they think the force should direct its efforts to better prevent crime, because everyone deserves to feel safe in St Kilda. I look forward to discussing the next steps of this survey with the minister and welcoming him to our wonderful community.