Thursday, 18 May 2023
Big Housing Build
Big Housing Build
Emma VULIN (Pakenham) (17:05): (182) My question is for the Minister for Housing, and the action I seek is that the minister meet with my community to provide a Pakenham electorate update on the Big Housing Build and other programs delivering social housing within my community. Our government recognises that homelessness comes in a myriad of forms for a myriad of reasons, and to begin to address this our government’s landmark $5.3 billion Big Housing Build investment is delivering 12,000 new homes right across the state. This program is changing lives.
In April last year I went to visit some of the new homes being built in Pakenham. These are part of the 24 being built by the Andrews Labor government as part of the Big Housing Build – $9 million of investment in the Pakenham electorate alone. My area is fast growing, with many younger families and single-parent families moving into the area. Housing shortages are a major concern to many in my electorate, so the work we are doing is vital. Everyone deserves the security and stability of a home.
Can the minister provide an update on these housing projects and supports that our government is delivering in my electorate and take up my offer to come and visit and discuss these important investments with my local advocates?