Thursday, 18 May 2023
Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Health Infrastructure, Minister for Medical Research) (17:23): The member for Berwick has raised a matter for the Minister for Education, and the action that he seeks is that the minister meet with students from Berwick College to learn about the state of facilities at that college. The member for Pakenham has raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Housing. The member is seeking an update on the way in which the Big Housing Build is delivering for her community. The member for Gippsland East wants to bring back the buffet car and is seeking that the Minister for Public Transport do that – take action and deliver a buffet car for the people of his electorate. The member for Hastings has requested that the Treasurer meet with him, talk with businesses in his community and take that opportunity to learn about everything that is going on in Hastings but also to outline the many ways in which the Andrews Labor government is working to support local businesses. The member for Kew had an action for the Treasurer, and she is seeking that the Treasurer provide further stamp duty relief for homebuyers.
The member for Preston has an action for the Minister for Corrections. The action that the member for Preston seeks is that the Minister for Corrections join him at Dardi Munwurro, which is a First Nations healing and behaviour change centre, to see the great work that is happening there to support First Nations men who are at risk of offending or reoffending or who have some challenges with anger management and so on and to see the great work that can be done in the community to support First Nations men to be strong, proud members of our community.
The member for Melbourne has a question for the Treasurer – he has got quite a lot tonight – sorry, not a question, an action. The action that the member seeks is that the Treasurer rule out the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project. The member for Albert Park has an action for the Minister for Police, and the action that the member seeks is that the minister join her on a visit to St Kilda police, who the member reports are doing an excellent job in the local community, to discuss some safety issues in relation to behaviours on Acland Street. The member for Gippsland South raised a matter for the Minister for Housing, and the action that he seeks is that the minister explain to him and his community some of the issues in relation to public housing availability in his electorate, specifically the number of public housing homes that are currently vacant without notice.
The member for Bass raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Water. The member for Bass was full of praise for an initiative of South East Water, specifically the community grants program to establish the Moonlit Sanctuary discovery lab. The member for Bass would really welcome the Minister for Water joining her on a tour of that beautiful part of her constituency.
The SPEAKER: The house now stands adjourned.
House adjourned 5:27 pm.