Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Members statements
Big Freeze
Big Freeze
Brad BATTIN (Berwick) (13:05): Berwick Junior Football Club, Beaconsfield Junior Football Club and the Beaconsfield Netball Club all ran events this year for the Big Freeze, obviously raising money to fight MND. Amazing groups and amazing local sporting clubs got people together to go down the big slide into the water at the bottom of that slide to ensure that money was raised, awareness was raised and our community also had the benefit of a wonderful community event. Can I thank all of the committee of management, and also I want to thank CJ from the Hawks; Ed and Charlie Curnow from the Blues; Bianca Chatfield, who is a former Diamonds player; Emily Mannix, who is a Vixens and a Diamonds player; Anthony Koutoufides; and also Shanikas, who supported me. I went down on both the slides, as a Shanikas waiter and as Mike Trout on another one, who is one of my favourite baseballers over in America. But to all of those kids, well done. Thank you for the funds and getting the awareness raised around fighting MND.