Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Energy policy
Energy policy
Juliana ADDISON (Wendouree) (19:02): (222) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Energy and Resources and Minister for the State Electricity Commission. I deliberately refer to all of the minister’s portfolios, because the action I seek is for the minister to visit my electorate of Wendouree to meet with relevant stakeholders and local organisations about how the Andrews Labor government is supporting households with their energy bills, bringing back the SEC, accelerating clean energy investment in Victoria’s economy and reducing emissions.
I wish to thank the minister for her support of Wendouree households through the latest round of the power saving bonus. The $250 energy payment is providing important financial relief for Wendouree constituents and has been very much appreciated by the nearly 30,000 residents across Ballarat who have applied for the power saving bonus. I am pleased that we are encouraging households to review their current energy provider and check if they are getting the best offer. This is significant, because through the Victorian Energy Compare website energy consumers can compare offers and information in order to make informed choices about their household energy costs and potentially make real savings. After logging on, I found a cheaper deal and have recently switched energy providers to save money – a change worth making after being with the same company for 15 years.
We are a strong and progressive government, and I am proud that the Victorian government has set one of the most ambitious emission-reduction targets in the world – to cut Victoria’s emissions by 75 to 80 per cent by 2035. Further, we are decarbonising at the fastest rate in the country, and we have been doing this since 2014. Another important initiative being undertaken by the Andrews Labor government is ensuring all government operations are powered with 100 per cent renewable electricity by 2025. We have a lot to talk about, because the Andrews Labor government is doing so much to transform Victoria’s energy sector, supply and sustainability. This includes the Victorian Solar Homes program, another way we are continuing to drive Victorians’ transition to more affordable household energy, with the installation of solar PV, solar hot water and solar batteries.
I look forward to joining with the minister to talk to stakeholders and community organisations about how our government, the Andrews Labor government, is laying the foundation for more long-lasting change to our reliance on fossil fuels through significant investments in renewable energy across Victoria and bringing back the SEC.