Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Members statements
Peninsula Specialist College
Peninsula Specialist College
Sam GROTH (Nepean) (13:08): I also recently visited Peninsula Specialist College in Dromana, where I met with their student representative council. This school does an amazing job and provides irreplaceable services to students who need specialist attention throughout their educational journey. The SRC had some bright ideas about a new bus for them to get out in the community, playgrounds, how to fix their fields and some ideas for their classrooms but also for their sensory room. Different students have different needs in an environment like that: some need to be able to bash and crash – and there is a boxing bag and a trampoline to jump into a big thing of pillows – and some students just need a quiet space where they can get away. At the moment though that school has all those services in one room for their students – a tiny little room – so there is certainly need for an upgrade there. I commend the work that the students and staff are all doing at Peninsula Specialist College.