Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Members statements

Pacific Island women’s health equity forum


Pacific Island women’s health equity forum

Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (10:00): I also had the pleasure of attending a very informative Pacific Island women’s health equity forum run by the incredible Anasina and the Engage Pasefika team. Our Pasifika community is one of strength, warmth and compassion that cares deeply for each other and the world around us, but it is not without its challenges, and unfortunately huge gaps in health and wellbeing outcomes exist. The only way to close these gaps is by listening to the people in the community with firsthand experience who know and understand the barriers and can help break these down and call on the strengths of their community to create real and lasting change and programs where people feel listened to and empowered. I thank Hume City Council, VicHealth and the state government for supporting the forum, and I congratulate Anasina for creating the Pacific Island community playgroup and for her tireless work and advocacy to ensure our Pasifika community are heard and have a seat at the table.