Thursday, 30 November 2023
Members statements
Police casualties
Police casualties
Anthony CARBINES (Ivanhoe – Minister for Police, Minister for Crime Prevention, Minister for Racing) (09:50): Today we remember Brevet Sergeant Jason Doig, 53, a member of the South Australia Police service, who was shot and died in the line of duty in recent weeks, despite the efforts of fellow officers and paramedics to save him. We wish a full recovery for Sergeant Michael Hutchinson, who also received gunshot wounds responding to the same incident. The Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police visited the family of Brevet Sergeant Doig, who live in country Victoria, to offer his condolences and the support of Victoria Police at this time. Sadly, across Australia four police officers have lost their lives in the line of duty in the past 12 months: two in Queensland, one in Western Australia and one in South Australia. In the midst of providing leadership and comfort to his own police service, South Australia Commissioner of Police Grant Stevens and his family are mourning the loss of their son Charlie, a road toll victim. Last week the Police Ministers Council convened. It was a sombre meeting, and time was taken to reflect on these tragic losses of life across the country, in particular in South Australia. We will redouble our efforts across the country to support our police services and to keep communities safe.