Thursday, 30 November 2023
Members statements
Mount Eliza Secondary College
Mount Eliza Secondary College
Chris CREWTHER (Mornington) (09:57): Mount Eliza Secondary College students Chelsea Rix and James Richards lodged a petition in July sponsored by the then Shadow Minister for Education Matt Bach that has gained 843 signatures calling on the Labor government to urgently redevelop their 50-year-old school. The petition was tabled and presented by Matt Bach in the Council on Tuesday. I have been tirelessly advocating for the Labor government to redevelop Mount Eliza Secondary – in my maiden speech and in speeches to Parliament, to ministers and more. This must include a school master plan; a flexible learning centre; safety fixtures; upgrades to home economics, drama and STEM facilities; and more. The Liberals and Nationals opposition committed $2.5 million for the college if elected, but state Labor never matched this and continue to ignore this need, forcing school students to instigate a petition. I again call on the government to redevelop this school.