Thursday,30 November 2023
Constituency questions
Bellarine electorate
Bellarine electorate
Alison MARCHANT (Bellarine) (15:03): (469) My question is for the Minister for Environment. How many containers have been recycled through the container deposit scheme in my electorate of the Bellarine since the scheme began on 1 November. The container deposit scheme offers a great opportunity, an incentive for recycling, reducing waste and creating economic opportunities within Victoria by creating over 600 jobs. The scheme is also offering local community groups, sporting clubs and charities a new way to raise money for their organisation, while supporting the environment and teaching people about the importance of recycling. In my electorate of the Bellarine we currently have two reverse vending machines, one in Leopold and the other one in Ocean Grove, as well as over-the-counter deposits in Portarlington and Point Lonsdale. I have already seen many people in my electorate taking up this opportunity at various sites. As we come to the end of the first month of this scheme, I am very proud of my electorate’s involvement. I look forward to hearing the figure of the containers that have been deposited from the minister.
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