Thursday, 29 August 2024
Constituency questions
Tarneit electorate
Tarneit electorate
Dylan WIGHT (Tarneit) (14:40): (791) My question is to the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, and it goes to the $3 million investment that the minister announced in November last year for initiatives to combat Islamophobia. Minister, how has this funding supported the Islamic community in my electorate of Tarneit? Islamophobia has no place in our state and no place in Tarneit. I am proud of the diverse and welcoming electorate that I represent. The government is committed to supporting and celebrating our multicultural and multifaith communities. Programs like these go a long way towards building a vibrant, cohesive, safe, inclusive and thriving community. The Melbourne Grand Mosque in my electorate is one of the organisations that has received a share of this investment, and they make vital contributions to this state and to my community. I want to commend MGM and other Islamic community partners across the state for the work that they undertake. I look forward to the response from the minister.