Thursday, 29 August 2024
Kiewa Valley Highway
Kiewa Valley Highway
Tim McCURDY (Ovens Valley) (17:23): (819) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that I seek is an onsite meeting with Regional Roads Victoria on the Kiewa Valley Highway to discuss options to fix a massive pothole in the road. Mr Ian Franzke of Mount Beauty has raised with me a significant road repair requirement in the north-east of Victoria. Mount Beauty is a beautiful village nestled in the foothills of Bogong and Falls Creek, and the people of Mount Beauty use Albury–Wodonga as their main service centre. The Kiewa Valley Highway is the main route to town. At the 21.5-kilometre mark, just north of Kergunyah Road, there is a significant pothole on the northbound lane. This pothole poses a serious safety risk, as it forces vehicles into the oncoming lane in a 100-kilometre-an-hour zone. Mr Franzke tells me that despite reporting this hazard to VicRoads on four separate occasions no action has been taken to address it. Mr Franzke finds it disheartening that despite the Victorian government’s commitment to road safety through the Towards Zero campaign urgent maintenance issues remain unattended. I seek an onsite meeting with Regional Roads Victoria.