Thursday, 29 August 2024
Constituency questions
Broadmeadows electorate
Broadmeadows electorate
Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (14:48): (799) My question is for the Minister for Public and Active Transport.
Interjections from gallery.
The SPEAKER: Clear the gallery. Members will remove themselves from the chamber. The house is suspended.
Public gallery cleared.
Sitting suspended 2:48 pm until 2:54 pm.
Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD: My question is for the Minister for Public and Active Transport, and I ask: what can be done to improve safety for residents accessing Jacana station. I have been contacted by local resident Jacob Cummings, who often uses Jacana station at night. The 2022 budget included over $1 million to improve access and safety at Jacana station, including CCTV. I am pleased that this has now been completed. I am also pleased that safety on Electric Street has recently been improved for pedestrians accessing the station from the east thanks to my advocacy and that of local resident Michael O’Connor. The installation of speed cushions and a zebra crossing have helped slow traffic and improved visibility of pedestrians crossing the road; however, safety and lighting for pedestrians accessing the station from the east also need to be improved, particularly for people accessing the station at night. Jacob has requested the installation of lighting and CCTV in the underpass to increase safety and perceptions of safety, and I believe the investigation of this suggestion and other potential mitigations such as leasing adjacent government land for food trucks – (Time expired)
Tim Bull: I have a point of order on some unanswered questions, and they are questions 1296 to the Minister for Government Services and questions 1104, 739 and 698 that are all to the Minister for Housing in the other place. Speaker, they are very important questions for people in my electorate, and I would welcome your assistance in getting them answered.
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, the ongoing incidents that are occurring in the chamber are obviously a concern to all members. I know that the Parliament and the Presiding Officers have been working on trying to resolve those issues; however, in this particular instance the delay in arrival of security was very concerning for the house, and I would appreciate having a conversation with you about that.
The SPEAKER: That is not a point of order, member for Brighton. You know the procedure. If you have concerns, you are welcome to come and see me in my office or put it in writing.