Wednesday, 11 September 2024
Members statements
Community safety
Community safety
Brad ROWSWELL (Sandringham) (10:36): Land Forces is on this week. The protests that are happening in Victoria at the moment on the streets of Melbourne are an absolute and utter disgrace. This is our opportunity to put Victoria and Victoria’s industry and defence industry on the world stage, and the thugs that are there on the streets of Melbourne disrupting the place are an absolute disgrace.
Roma Britnell: On a point of order, Deputy Speaker, I have 14 outstanding questions from ministers that I have been waiting for for well over eight months in some instances. They are question number –
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! As the Speaker ruled earlier, the time for making points of order on outstanding questions or questions without notice is during the constituency questions period.
Roma Britnell: I thought it was a longstanding tradition to do it at different times, but I have got that wrong, sorry.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Reflections on the Chair are not handy either.