Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Constituency questions

Lowan electorate

Lowan electorate

Emma KEALY (Lowan) (15:00): (812) My question is to the Minister for Energy and Resources on behalf of my constituents that are impacted by VNI West but also those who are impacted by the skyrocketing cost-of-living crisis under the Allan Labor government. The information I seek is: what is the current estimated total cost of VNI West, including infrastructure, construction, land acquisition and compensation and other project implementation and management costs? We know that the majority of this project will be passed on to consumers as poles and wires charges on their power bills, whether they are domestic users or whether they are commercial businesses. Already we have seen a 25 per cent increase in electricity costs in Victoria since 2011. We have also seen a 27 per cent increase in gas prices over this period of time. The last thing people need is another hit through a massive slug on the poles and wires charges. I ask the minister to provide further information ‍– (Time expired)