Wednesday, 11 September 2024
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment Bill 2024
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment Bill 2024
Introduction and first reading
That I introduce a bill for an act to amend the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2010 in relation to petroleum production licences and for other purposes.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! Member for Bulleen, your disrespectful behaviour is unbecoming. I did not hear the bill, so the minister to continue.
Lily D’AMBROSIO: Speaker, do I need to repeat it?
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Yes, please. The member for Bulleen will be removed from the chamber if he continues.
Lily D’AMBROSIO: I move:
That I introduce a bill for an act to amend the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2010 in relation to petroleum production licences and for other purposes.
Motion agreed to.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Member for Bulleen, you can leave the chamber for half an hour.
Member for Bulleen withdrew from chamber.
James NEWBURY (Brighton) (10:00): I seek a brief explanation from the minister for gas.
The SPEAKER: Order! Member for Brighton, there is no minister for gas.
James NEWBURY: I seek a brief explanation from the minister.
Lily D’AMBROSIO (Mill Park – Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Energy and Resources, Minister for the State Electricity Commission) (10:01): This bill amends the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2010 to permit-holders of a petroleum production licence to conduct underground operations, including the injection and storage of gas into offshore reservoirs.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! Yesterday I spoke about disrespectful behaviour in this chamber, and it is a little bit out of control this morning.
Read first time.
Ordered to be read second time tomorrow.