Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Members statements

Sunbury Show

Sunbury Show

Josh BULL (Sunbury) (13:16): It is great to be back here. On Saturday it was the 102nd annual Sunbury agricultural show. The sun was shining, and I had the opportunity to chat with many local residents within my community and see many exceptional local competitions and acts, including my very own daughter’s dance recital up on stage, which was very, very cute.

Paul Edbrooke interjected.

Josh BULL: Certainly not, member for Frankston. I did not teach her everything she knows. She has definitely got the moves. I would like to acknowledge the Sunbury show committee, including Kate George, vice-president Stuart MacPherson, Gary Beeton and secretary Narelle Reino for their outstanding contribution in bringing the show together and bringing the community together for what is a wonderful day.