Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Constituency questions

Eildon electorate

Eildon electorate

Cindy McLEISH (Eildon) (14:46): (832) My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. The Labor government have axed funding for the Queensland fruit fly coordinators across the state because they cannot manage money. These vital roles provide a mechanism for government to work with and educate communities to help stop the spread of the fruit fly. What now is the minister’s plan to work with and educate communities to prevent widescale spreading of this destructive horticultural pest? The coordinators are proactive. They remind both commercial and backyard growers when it is essential to bait weekly, to trap and to actively treat and deal with waste fruit to prevent the pest from establishing in their region. They offer seminars, community information sessions, attend events and field days and have newspaper articles. Prevention needs to be part of the equation. It is too late to contact Agriculture Victoria once the fruit fly has established. Coordinators should be part of the shared and collaborative approach.