Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Constituency questions

Thomastown electorate


Thomastown electorate

Bronwyn HALFPENNY (Thomastown) (14:48): (843) My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. On behalf of residents I ask the minister if she can provide me with further information about the recently announced $964 million road maintenance blitz and how it will benefit road users in the electorate of Thomastown. Following extreme weather events that are more frequent due to climate change, residents are noticing and reporting to me sections of road that are in great disrepair. As we know, roads are so important to getting around, accessing services and getting to work, school and more. The Allan Labor government knows we need to maintain existing roads as well as get on with the big projects that have been undertaken in Thomastown, such as the removal of the Keon Park level crossing, the duplication and connection of O’Herns Road to the Hume Freeway, the duplication of Epping Road and the removal of roundabouts.