Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Planning policy


Planning policy

James NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:09): My question is to the Minister for Planning. Can the minister confirm that the government is considering mandating a minimum height requirement of four storeys for both the Niddrie and North Essendon activity centres?

Sonya KILKENNY (Carrum – Minister for Planning, Minister for the Suburbs) (14:09): I thank the member for his question. If those opposite perhaps were less focused on themselves and caught up over the last four weeks in particular, they would know that probably one of the most pressing issues facing Victorians right now is housing affordability and finding a home and that the focus of the Allan Labor government is on ensuring that Victoria continues to lead the nation in building more homes and approving more homes in the places that matter, close to transport, places like Niddrie –

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, the question was very direct. The minister is responding generally rather than dealing with the specific subject matter, and it was a very specific question.

The SPEAKER: The minister has had 20 seconds to respond. She has still got 2½ minutes. I ask the minister to come back.

Members interjecting.

Sonya KILKENNY: I heard a member say that we live in hope. In fact that is what the Allan Labor government is focused on, and that is delivering hope and positive outcomes –

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Berwick is warned.

Sonya KILKENNY: listening to what matters to Victorians, which is finding an affordable home in a location that is well connected to public transport, to jobs and to services. That is our focus. One thing I would like to remind the opposition of is that if we are to deliver more homes for Victorians –

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, the minister is required to be direct in answering the question. She is halfway through answering and is yet to deal with the substance of the actual question. If it assists, I am happy to provide the government’s plan to the minister which sets it out.

The SPEAKER: The Minister for Planning will come back to the question, but I cannot direct the minister how to answer the question. She is being relevant, but the minister will come back to the question.

Sonya KILKENNY: I am setting the context for those opposite about what needs to happen in terms of being able to deliver more homes for Victorians and addressing a very pressing issue that is facing Victorians right now, and that is housing affordability, and that is ensuring that we are unlocking capacity for more homes in the areas where Victorians want to live.

The member has presented the consultation report that has been prepared, presented and put to community for engagement. In fact since March this year we have been engaging with communities on the activity centre pilot work and we have been engaging with local governments on the activity centre pilot work. Community consultation has in fact just closed, and I am delighted to say that after about 230,000 pieces of correspondence and communication were sent out to community members we received over 10,000 submissions, which we are now reviewing. It is exactly what we wanted to see, this kind of community engagement and community response, which goes to the very heart of the issue that this is an important issue for Victorians, ensuring that we are building more homes in the areas that Victorians want to live.

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: Order! Members will show respect to members on their feet.

James NEWBURY (Brighton) (14:14): Will the minister accompany the opposition leader and me to a –

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: The member for Tarneit can leave the chamber for half an hour. I do not like to have to repeat myself, but members will show respect to members on their feet.

Member for Tarneit withdrew from chamber.

James NEWBURY: Will the minister accompany the opposition leader and me to a community forum in Essendon North this Sunday to answer the questions of local residents concerned about the government’s plan, which will mandate a minimum of four storeys across the activity centre?

Sonya KILKENNY (Carrum – Minister for Planning, Minister for the Suburbs) (14:14): What I do want to point out is the mischief that continues to be peddled by those opposite. It does not support community. It does not enhance this –

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: The member for Evelyn can leave the chamber for half an hour.

Member for Evelyn withdrew from chamber.

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, on relevance, it is entirely inappropriate for a minister to attack a community for holding a forum. Outrageous!

The SPEAKER: There is no point of order.

Sonya KILKENNY: I am reminding the opposition that in dealing with communities they need to be truthful. They need to make sure that the information they wish to project is also accurate and factual. No, I will not be attending the forum with the opposition. I would remind those opposite that the engagement process that has taken place, as I said, has generated more than 10,000 submissions, and I am delighted that we have received that kind of community engagement, which we are now working through. It is an indication of the relevance of this matter, the importance of this matter, to communities.