Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Melbourne Market


Melbourne Market

Emma KEALY (Lowan) (14:18): My question is to the Minister for Agriculture. Why is Labor forcing hardworking fruit and vegetable stall holders at the Epping market to pay more in rent than it would cost to rent office space in Collins Street?

Ros SPENCE (Kalkallo – Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Carers and Volunteers) (14:19): Can I thank the member for her question. I do also question the figures that have been put to me, but what I will say is that I am aware of the Melbourne Market Authority increasing the rents – over a period of 10 years, I might add. They will still be below market rate for 10 years. They are currently below market rate. They will stay below market rate for a 10-year period. The valuer-general has determined what the value ought to be, and the Melbourne Market Authority are taking the advice of the valuer-general.

Emma KEALY (Lowan) (14:20): Will the minister accompany me to the Epping market –

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: Order! Member for Melton, that is very disappointing. The member for Lowan on a supplementary question, without assistance so that I can hear.

Emma KEALY: Will the minister accompany me to the Epping market tomorrow morning to meet with frustrated fruit and vegetable stall holders to explain why their rents are increasing by 100 ‍per cent?

Ros SPENCE (Kalkallo – Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Carers and Volunteers) (14:21): Can I thank the member for her question. As much as I like the member for Lowan, I am spoken for, so I do not need any more dates. I am terribly sorry that you do not like your own enough to go with them. I have actually visited the market. I have visited the market previously. I am sorry I am going to decline your offer of a date, but I can let you know that the Treasurer will be meeting with them.