Wednesday, 13 November 2024
Members statements
Manufacturing sector
Manufacturing sector
Natalie HUTCHINS (Sydenham – Minister for Jobs and Industry, Minister for Treaty and First Peoples, Minister for Women) (09:56): One of the best parts of my job as the Minister for Jobs and Industry is visiting Victorian manufacturers. The Victorian manufacturing sector is worth over $33 billion to the state’s economy and provides over 260,000 jobs across this state. These numbers are impressive, but just as impressive are the individual stories behind these numbers. Recently I visited Australia’s largest pillow and quilt manufacturer, John Cotton, with the member for Broadmeadows. Established with the help of funding from the Victorian government, I got to see the new production line that has been put in place which combines robotics and ultrasonic bonding. Then there is Essential Flavours in Carrum, which I visited alongside the member for Carrum. With a Made in Victoria grant this company invested $1.7 million to continue crafting amazing flavours for brands such as Nestlé and Bulla. Another highlight was opening Pfizer’s new Mulgrave facility with the member for Mulgrave. This facility will ensure that even more life-saving treatments for breast, ovarian, bladder and other cancers are manufactured right here in Victoria. I recently visited other companies such as Sealed Air, Concept Caravans, Warrnambool Timber Industries, Mondalez International, ARB Global and IDT Australia – all fantastic facilities here in Victoria.