Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Members statements

Point Cook electorate sport


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Point Cook electorate sport


Mathew HILAKARI (Point Cook) (10:02): I had the pleasure of meeting a very talented young badminton player from Point Cook. Aira recently won a silver medal at the Badminton National Championships, in Ballarat no less, alongside winning a gold medal with the Victorian team. She is a wonderful person, and so is her family. For all the hard work and motivation that it took to achieve this great accomplishment at the start of her sporting career, I hope to see her at many other sporting events nationally and internationally. And, Aira, I hope your sister gets a few wins against you too.

It has been a great year for sport in Point Cook. I also had the opportunity to participate in Walking Football 4 Health, which puts teams together to play a modified version of soccer. Walking football is fun; it is a family-friendly activity that keeps people active and social. They were recently in Parliament, and I thank Mick Trim for his passion for the sport, which is unmatched.