Wednesday, 13 November 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: public transport fares
Ministers statements: public transport fares
Gabrielle WILLIAMS (Dandenong – Minister for Government Services, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Public and Active Transport) (14:30): While some in this chamber talk about cost-of-living pressures, it is only the Allan Labor government that is actually putting money back into the pockets of Victorians. I am pleased to advise the house that Victorians have collectively now saved $100 million since we introduced our regional fare cap last year. Previously someone travelling from Warrnambool to Geelong would have had to fork out as much as $56.80 for their V/Line ticket and someone travelling from Ballarat to Melbourne would have had to pay up to $45.60 for their journey, but now these passengers are paying no more than $10.60. Which member of this place said on 22 March last year that fairer fares would not make a massive difference? It was the member for South-West Coast, and I reckon she might now regret that remark.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Members will be removed from the chamber without warning. Members on their feet will have the respect that is owed to them when they are on their feet.
Roma Britnell: On a point of order, Speaker, on misleading the house, we have got half the seats we had. And how is the Conduent contract going?
The SPEAKER: The member for South-West Coast was warned yesterday about raising points of order that are not points of order and disrupting the chamber. There is no point of order.
Gabrielle WILLIAMS: When I was out at Warrnambool station with a wonderful member for Western Victoria a few weeks ago, the feedback was that these savings have made an extraordinary difference to people’s hip pockets and also to the local economy.
Roma Britnell interjected.
The SPEAKER: The member for South-West Coast can leave the chamber for an hour.
Member for South-West Coast withdrew from chamber.
Gabrielle WILLIAMS: I also recall a member of the Nationals saying in that same debate last year:
… I do not think … I have ever had anyone come to me and say the –
previous –
fares were too expensive.
Well, member for Gippsland South, I am not sure who you were talking to. They mix in some pretty well-heeled circles over there. I assure him that passengers in Gippsland are also feeling the benefits. Our fare cap is a real cost-of-living measure that is helping Victorians every day as they plan their household budgets and get to where they need to go. One hundred million dollars back in the pockets of Victorians is worth celebrating.
Members interjecting.
The SPEAKER: Order! It sounds like the member for Broadmeadows, but I am not sure that it is. But the member for Broadmeadows is warned.