Thursday, 28 November 2024
Members statements
Kalkallo Youth Advisory Council
Kalkallo Youth Advisory Council
Ros SPENCE (Kalkallo – Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Carers and Volunteers) (11:24): I would like to take this opportunity to thank my 2024 Kalkallo Youth Advisory Council for their work throughout the year. This year members decided to focus on environmental issues, in particular getting to know your rubbish and learning to bin it correctly. Members noticed that within their local communities, including their schools, there was a lot of littering, incorrect materials being put in the bins and a lack of awareness of impacts on the environment. In response they decided to develop an information flyer, website and video to assist young people to help the environment through small actions that can have a big impact, including through the terrific container deposit scheme, which has returned over $2 million to my local community. Thank you to the Minister for Youth for meeting with the group on Tuesday night and listening to their report. I know they were very grateful. Thank you and well done to Aarav, Ammar, Aneeta, Athena, Divjot, Eshaal, Gabrielle, Harkirat, Husain, Jayde, Kayla, Manraj, Mantasha, Marseel, Matthew, Nathaniel, Omar, Sarah, Shannon and Uthish.