Thursday, 28 November 2024
Brimbank tech school
Brimbank tech school
Sarah CONNOLLY (Laverton) (17:29): (964) My adjournment is for the Deputy Premier as Minister for Education, and the action I seek is that the Deputy Premier update me on our government’s efforts to build a brand new tech school at Victoria University in Sunshine. Whilst this sits just outside of my electorate, I know from my previous experiences with Wyndham Tech School just how important a role these facilities play in nurturing technology-based education for our local kids. They are places where school students who are passionate about technology – things like robotics, artificial intelligence and even more fun pursuits like game design – can come together to explore those passions through hands-on learning and high-tech experiences. Even better, it is these kinds of skills that are going to equip some of them for the jobs of the future.
Wyndham Tech School is one of 10 in the entire state, which is why it is an awesome commitment from our government to invest $116 million into building another six tech schools across Victoria, including this one in Brimbank. It means that local high school students, including from schools in my electorate like Sunshine College and Braybrook College, will have the opportunity to book a session with a tech school. You could pop on down to Vic Uni and allow students who are passionate about STEM and STEAM to explore their imaginations. What that means of course is that more kids right across Victoria will be able to explore and pursue opportunities in STEM and STEAM, giving them the skills they need today to succeed tomorrow. This tech school is set to open in 2026, which is why I would greatly appreciate an update from the Deputy Premier on where we are at with delivering this very important learning space for local students.