Thursday, 28 November 2024
Constituency questions
Sunbury electorate
Sunbury electorate
Josh BULL (Sunbury) (14:49): (949) It is nice to be back in the house after a little break. My question is to the Minister for Education. Minister, how many students in the Sunbury electorate have accessed the $400 school saving bonus? As the minister knows, this program delivers $400 to support the family of every child who attends a Victorian government school. Parents or carers of over 700,000 ā€¨students should expect an email granting them access to the program this week. This is to be used of course for textbooks, uniforms, camps, excursions and other important activities. I thank the outstanding Minister for Education for his work, and I look forward to his reply.
Tim Bull: On a point of order, Speaker, I wish to raise an issue around five unanswered questions I have. They are questions 1783 through to 1787 and everything in between. All questions are to the Minister for Environment, some relate to the upcoming fire season. Speaker, I would be grateful if you could expedite answers to those.