Tuesday, 20 September 2022


Geelong Miniature Railway

Geelong Miniature Railway

The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council that the Geelong Miniature Railway (GMR) is a registered charity made of ex-servicemen and railway enthusiasts coming together to build Geelong’s first seven-and-a-quarter-inch miniature railway and family park. GMR has built up a large asset base of over $200,000 through local business and community support and is about to commence operating the miniature railway.

A suitable site is now needed for this project, ideally a flat 12 to 15 acre parcel of land that would accommodate public toilets, car parking for at least 150 cars, and utility connections for easy access. GMR has tried to obtain land through the City of Greater Geelong Council for the past seven years, to no avail. A feasibility study and business case is currently being developed and has been funded by the Council.

GMR aspires to build a community run project that will educate members with a variety of trade skills that can be passed onto local school children and youth, with a promising outlook for talks with educational organisations. A percentage of funds raised will support local charitable organisations and schools.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to provide seed funding for the commencement of the seven-and-a-quarter-inch miniature railway and family park in Geelong and assist the Geelong Miniature Railway with locating a 15 acre site with the support of the City of Greater Geelong Council.

By Mr GRIMLEY (Western Victoria) (19 signatures).

Laid on table.