Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Business of the house

General business

General business

Mr GRIMLEY (Western Victoria) (10:22): I move, by leave:

That precedence be given to the following general business on Wednesday, 21 September 2022:

(1) notice of motion given this day by Mr Davis on the failings of the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority 000 call-taking system;

(2) notice of motion given this day by Mr Davis on outstanding production of documents orders;

(3) notice of motion 850 standing in the name of Mr Davis referring a matter relating to the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on children’s health to the Legal and Social Issues Committee;

(4) notice of motion given this day by Mr Davis on fuel and excise concessions;

(5) order of the day 2, resumption of debate on the second reading of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Restoration of Powers) Bill 2022;

(6) order of the day 4, resumption of debate on the second reading of the Land Amendment (Accessing Licensed Water Frontages) Bill 2022;

(7) notice of motion given this day by Mr Grimley on dealing with child sexual abuse complaints;

(8) notice of motion given this day by Mr Grimley on foster care;

(9) order of the day 5, resumption of debate on the second reading of the Energy Legislation Amendment (Transition from Coal) Bill 2022;

(10) notice of motion given this day by Dr Ratnam on Maroondah Hospital; and

(11) notice of motion given this day by Mr Somyurek on the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights report on human rights concerns in the People’s Republic of China.

Motion agreed to.