Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Western Aquatic and Early Years Centre
Table of contents
- Environment Legislation Amendment (Circular Economy and Other Matters) Bill 2022
- Justice Legislation Amendment (Police and Other Matters) Bill 2022
- Justice Legislation Amendment (Sexual Offences and Other Matters) Bill 2022
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Bill 2022
- Residential Tenancies, Housing and Social Services Regulation Amendment (Administration and Other Matters) Bill 2022
- Environment Legislation Amendment (Circular Economy and Other Matters) Bill 2022
- Justice Legislation Amendment (Police and Other Matters) Bill 2022
- Justice Legislation Amendment (Sexual Offences and Other Matters) Bill 2022
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Bill 2022
- Residential Tenancies, Housing and Social Services Regulation Amendment (Administration and Other Matters) Bill 2022
Western Aquatic and Early Years Centre
Ms VAGHELA (Western Metropolitan) (18:09): (2134) My adjournment matter is directed to the Honourable Steve Dimopoulos MP for the minister’s portfolio responsibilities of sport and major events. Recently I was briefed by Hobsons Bay City Council on its Western Aquatic and Early Years Centre in Altona Meadows. The Western Aquatic and Early Years Centre is a $60 million project which incorporates an indoor 25-metre pool, hydrotherapy, learn-to-swim pools, numerous gym rooms, a kindergarten, child care and maternal child health facilities. I understand that the proposed centre will have a strong focus on catering for people with disabilities, especially people on the autism spectrum. Once it is built, this centre will cater for nearly 200 000 people in a 10-kilometre radius, including residents of Altona Meadows, Seabrook, Altona, Laverton, Sanctuary Lakes and Point Cook. Hobsons Bay City Council has developed concept plans for the multifaceted centre and is currently taking those plans to the community. I am advised that already there is great local support for this development, with many residents signing up for regular updates through that consultation process.
Melbourne’s west desperately needs community facilities such as the proposed Western Aquatic and Early Years Centre in Altona Meadows, and in particular one that serves autistic children. The Hobsons Bay City Council estimates that it will draw in 500 000 visits each year over 10 years. I am advised that the project will generate 110 jobs during construction and 15 full-time equivalent jobs working at the centre once it is completed. The Hobsons Bay City Council has committed $20 million to this aquatics and early years centre. It is seeking similar contributions from both the state government and the federal government. The action I seek from the minister is to work with the Hobsons Bay City Council and commit to funding this much-needed project for the residents of Hobsons Bay and the broader Western Metropolitan Region.