Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Written responses
Written responses
The PRESIDENT (16:49): Part of the joy of having this position is to determine whether questions need to have written responses. I thank Minister Shing, who will get Mr Bourman answers from Minister Kilkenny, for two days. Minister Blandthorn will supply a written response to both Dr Bach’s question and supplementary. Minister Erdogan will supply a written response within the standing orders to both of Mrs McArthur’s questions. I am looking at Ms Lovell, and I invite her to raise a point of order if she thinks she deserves a response.
Wendy Lovell: President, I would seek a written response from the minister. The levee bank that I asked about in my question is a levee bank that is owned and managed by Goulburn-Murray Water. It is a levee bank that they charge landholders a maintenance fee to maintain, and yet the minister spoke nothing about that levee bank but spoke about levee banks in general.
The PRESIDENT: Minister Shing will get a written response within the standing orders for both of those questions. I was going to say, going forward, that this is a topic and an issue that Minister Shing and Ms Lovell would have a great deal of understanding about. It is impossible for the President to have an understanding of every issue across the state, so in going forward I will at times give advice that I will take it on notice and get back to the chamber. But thank you, Minister Shing, for that.