Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Alfred hospital
Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Attorney-General, Minister for Emergency Services) (19:01): Just before I move the adjournment, merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone. It was lovely to meet you all. See you next year. I move:
That the house do now adjourn.
Alfred hospital
Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (19:01): (1) My adjournment matter this evening is for the attention of the Minister for Health. As we know, Victoria continues to be in a very alarming state around the health system. The health crisis has seen far too many Victorians suffer over the last few years. That is because of, obviously, not only the COVID-19 pandemic but also decisions by government – their policy direction and decisions that they have made over the past eight years. I particularly, only a few weeks ago, prior to the election, was talking about the mismanagement and underinvestment.
I want to make mention of the Alfred hospital in my electorate of Southern Metropolitan Region. I know Mr Davis understands the Alfred extremely well. It is a hospital – a major tertiary facility in this state – that has tremendous staff and tremendous facilities, but they are tired, and there are many issues that are plaguing the Alfred. When I was there just a few weeks ago, I was told that there were mice in the theatre. When I was on the pre-poll in St Kilda, a nurse came up to me and said she worked in the oncology ward and that it was leaking – every time it rained, in the oncology ward there were leaks. This is the state of a major hospital in our state that cares for thousands of Victorians who at times are very, very ill.
The government talks the big talk, but they have had years to fix up the Alfred. In 2020 I was calling for money to assist with this, and nothing was forthcoming. Nothing has been forthcoming in the recent election campaign, and here again today we heard various hospitals mentioned and various health infrastructure, but nothing –
David Davis interjected.
Georgie CROZIER: That is right, Mr Davis – nothing relating to the Alfred. It was left off the list. So the action I seek is for the minister to outline how the government is immediately going to address these dire infrastructure needs of the Alfred so that it can continue to work and provide the significant care it does to thousands of very, very ill Victorians.