Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Duck hunting
Duck hunting
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (16:24): (4) President, first of all I need a bit of guidance from the house. There are now three ministers that have a say in duck season announcements. It is no surprise you are going to hear about this. Two of them are in this house. Who do I direct my questions to?
A member interjected.
Jeff BOURMAN: ‘Quack’ indeed. I am at a loss.
The PRESIDENT: Can I suggest, Mr Bourman, that you address it to one of the ministers, and we can sort out if it needs to be redirected in the carriage of you asking a question.
Jeff BOURMAN: Thank you, President. As long as it does not turn into a handball competition, I will be happy with that.
The government now has all the data it needs for determining any changes to the duck-hunting season, and that data – and I will send it to Minister Stitt, seeing as she is looking at me – has actually been published by the Game Management Authority. The announcements of any changes to the duck-hunting season seem to take longer and longer every year. So now that the government has the data it needs and to date has followed all the recommendations given in the previous data, when can we expect a confirmation of the 2023 season?
Ingrid Stitt: I am sorry I made eye contact with you, Mr Bourman. Thank you for asking me my first question in my capacity as the Minister for Environment. I am obviously absolutely honoured to hold this portfolio and follow in the footsteps of my colleague Minister D’Ambrosio. However, I have to advise that the lead minister in respect to duck hunting is Minister Kilkenny in the other place, who is the minister responsible for outdoor recreation, so it may be that Mr Bourman’s question is better directed to Minister Shing, who represents Minister Kilkenny in the other place on this matter.
Jeff BOURMAN: If I may, President, in my defence, we were actually not told who was representing who – because there were going to be a lot of people – until just then, so with the house’s indulgence could I have another go and send it to Minister Shing?
The PRESIDENT: Absolutely. We will put your complete question to Minister Shing.
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Equality) (16:27): Thanks, Mr Bourman, and thank you for your indulgence as we work through a relatively complex general order and the interlinking portfolio responsibilities between the two houses. I am very, very happy to seek an answer from the Minister for Outdoor Recreation, who I am sure will be very happy to provide you with a briefing in addition to the information you are after.
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (16:27): Thanks, Minister Shing. I am sure Minister Kilkenny will get sick of me as well at duck season. Just following on, in the absence of an answer, because I thought we might have got one from the ministers here, can we expect the seasonal changes to be announced by 1 January 2023, which will for once give the hunters and business owners plenty of time to prepare for the season so that those businesses will have stock level at hand with time to spare instead of the usual last-minute purchasing?
Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Water, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy, Minister for Equality) (16:28): Thank you, Mr Bourman. Again I am very happy to refer that matter to Minister Kilkenny in the other place and to ensure that you are furnished with an answer in accordance with the standing orders.