Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Constituency questions
Western Metropolitan Region
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Western Metropolitan Region
David ETTERSHANK (Western Metropolitan) (12:49): (1365) My constituency question is directed to the Minister for Transport Infrastructure. My constituent resides in Yarraville, and her primary-school-age son has had multiple medical visits over the last year due to severe asthma. He is not alone. Hospital admissions for young people with respiratory illnesses in the City of Maribyrnong are 171 per cent higher than the national average. This issue may not have been as prominent when the decision was made in 2017 not to install filtration on the West Gate Tunnel stacks. However, recent evidence now clearly shows the serious health risks from air pollution, especially ultrafine particles and nitrogen dioxide. My constituent asks: given the scientific evidence, will the minister act to protect the health of kids in Yarraville, Newport, Williamstown and surrounding suburbs by installing filters on the tunnel vent stacks?