Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Business of the house
General business
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General business
David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (13:22): I move, by leave:
That the following general business take precedence on Wednesday 19 February 2025:
(1) notice of motion given this day by me on a new sessional order relating to the order of business on Wednesday;
(2) notice of motion 790 standing in Georgie Crozier’s name on Victoria’s health system;
(3) notice of motion given this day by Bev McArthur on the colorectal and pelvic reconstruction service; and
(4) notice of motion given this day by me on the Victorian debt ceiling.
Motion agreed to.
David Davis: On a point of order, President, just by leave, prior to that first one, the short-form docs motion given by Mr Mulholland should precede the existing list. It just slipped off.
The PRESIDENT: Mr Davis, I think we automatically put that on the next day of business, so thank you for that.