Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Constituency questions
Northern Victoria Region
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Northern Victoria Region
Rikkie-Lee TYRRELL (Northern Victoria) (12:54): (1369) My constituency question today is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and my constituents ask: when will the Labuan Road and Murray Valley Highway intersection be upgraded for the safety of all road users? This week my constituents woke to the news of yet another multivehicle incident at the notorious Labuan Road–Murray Valley Highway intersection. In the last two years this intersection has caused the deaths of six people. My constituents are concerned that nothing has been done to improve the safety of this intersection. The rumble strips are worn, the trees are not trimmed back from the corner and the signage is not obvious enough. The rise leading up to the intersection hides the fact that a major intersection is ahead. How many crashes must happen at this intersection before a practical and effective solution is found? Lowering the speed limit along Labuan Road has done nothing but cause annoyance and delay to locals who frequently travel this road. My constituents ask: when will the Labuan Road and Murray Valley Highway intersection be upgraded for the safety of all road users?