Mr David Ettershank

David Ettershank

Meet David

Prior to entering Parliament, with qualifications in Asian Studies and Industrial Relations, David worked in a range of training and industrial officer roles in Queensland, the Northern Territory, Victoria and nationally. In 2002, he co-founded Outcomes Plus, a consulting firm supporting not-for-profit aged care providers with strong links in specialist, CALD and regional services.

As a long time community activist in Melbourne inner-west, David has been active in a range of campaigns including against the East-West tunnel, against inappropriate development and many to enhance or protect local amenity and services. He also served for 7 years on the Community Reference Group for the redevelopment of the Kensington Public Housing Estate working closely with local CALD community and tenants’ representatives. In addition, as a long-term cannabis consumer, David is determined to see it legalised, destigmatised and its many benefits recognised. When invited to stand for Legalise Cannabis Victoria, David was delighted to have the opportunity to work in the parliamentary sphere.

David’s passions and priorities as a Member of Parliament are:

  • Reform of cannabis laws and capitalising on the opportunities that the cannabis economy can bring to Victorians.
  • Decisive action on climate change and adaption.
  • Implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart including Voice, Treaty and Truth Speaking.
  • Ensuring equal rights and respect for Women, LGBTIQ+ and first nations Victorians.
  • Reform of the Victorian approach to planning and development.
  • Action on affordable and sustainable housing and tenancy rights.
  • Ensuring appropriate support for people with a disability and protecting and reforming the NDIS.
  • Improving access to quality health and aged care services including tackling chronic workforce issues.

Committee memberships

Allowances, budget and international travel reports

In accordance with section 9I of the Parliamentary Salaries, Allowances and Superannuation Act 1968 the relevant Officer must publish the prescribed details in respect of claims for work-related parliamentary allowances or under the Budget and expense allowances (if any) and electorate allowances and the motor vehicle allowance (if claimed) made to the relevant Officer during each period of 3 months ending 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December as soon as practicable after the end of each period.

Historical information

  • First elected
    26 November 2022
  • 843 days of parliamentary service
    2022 - current

Electorate represented

  • Western Metropolitan since 26 November 2022

Party represented

  • Legalise Cannabis Victoria since 26 November 2022

Committee membership history

Electorate office

Contact the electorate office for matters about your community.