Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Members statements

Polwarth electorate supported accommodation


Polwarth electorate supported accommodation

Richard RIORDAN (Polwarth) (12:57): Well done, the great pretender.

I have a serious matter to raise today, and that is the parlous state of supported accommodation for those with drug and alcohol issues in regional Victoria. My community in Polwarth, and particularly the community of Colac at the moment, has some very confronting issues within the community with certain people in great need of such support. Sadly, people unable to advocate for themselves, people unable to deal with their drug and alcohol addictions, are left to fend for themselves, and we have the terrible situation where people are literally living on our streets and homeless in a country town in a First World country in a society that prides itself on being advanced and caring for the most vulnerable. Sadly, today I have learned that there is absolutely nothing we can do. Barwon Health’s mental health and drug and alcohol support services are unable to find homes and allocate resources and support for the people most in need. It is a parlous situation. I understand that Victoria has some 200 fewer beds than other states such as New South Wales when it comes to supporting people who need immediate and intensive care and support. I put it on the record that this is simply not good enough, and we need to do more as a civilised community.