Tuesday,14 November 2023
Braybrook regeneration project
Braybrook regeneration project
Sarah CONNOLLY (Laverton) (19:10): (436) My adjournment is for the Minister for Planning, and the action I seek is that the minister update me on the works being done in Braybrook as part of the Braybrook regeneration project. As the minister knows, this project is a joint working effort by the Victorian Planning Authority, Homes Victoria and Maribyrnong City Council. As more people are choosing to call Melbourne’s west home, inner suburbs like Braybrook are a very popular choice for people looking to move further west. The suburb itself is well serviced, being connected to two major suburban hubs in Sunshine and in Footscray, so the goal of this project is to develop a plan to accommodate this growth and, importantly, to support higher density living within the suburb. We know from our government’s housing statement that we are looking at ways to ensure that priority precincts and major employment hubs can accommodate more housing nearby so that people can live closer to where jobs and services are. A suburb like Braybrook is an ideal location for some of this greater density, which means more affordable housing, new and improved open spaces and more vibrant activity centres for shopping, work and play. Of course having said that, it is really important that we do this in a way that is sustainable, which is why the project working towards a Braybrook urban design framework is all about that. That is why I would greatly appreciate an update on the work that is currently being done with this project.