Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Members statements

Lara RSL Kokoda Memorial Challenge

Lara RSL Kokoda Memorial Challenge

Ella GEORGE (Lara) (13:02): The Lara RSL has been working hard to raise funds for Soldier On with their Kokoda Memorial Challenge, a 24-hour, 96-kilometre walk around Lara and Geelong. Ninety-six kilometres replicates the length of the Kokoda Track, and the walk was established to raise funds and awareness about veterans’ mental health. The event has raised over $40,000 to support Soldier On, who do tremendous work in supporting current and former Australian Defence Force personnel and their families. Congratulations to Lara RSL president Marcus McEwen and his team, who did a power of work in creating and running this event and getting so many people involved and behind this important cause.

A special thanks also to our Minister for Veterans the Honourable Natalie Suleyman and Deputy Prime Minister and member for Corio Richard Marles for their support of this event and presenting medals to participants. And thanks must also go to the entire Lara community, who got behind this fundraiser and showed their support by participating and donating. There was a great show of support for our local RSL and for veterans right across Australia. I had a great time completing the first leg of the walk with Cr Eddy Kontelj, and I am looking forward to being part of the walk next time.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! I remind members to only use correct titles.