Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Members statements

Inverloch and Kongwak primary schools


Inverloch and Kongwak primary schools

Jordan CRUGNALE (Bass) (10:37): Deadly doors were the go at Inverloch–Kongwak Primary for NAIDOC Week; ‘Keep the Fire Burning’ was the theme. The entire school community came together to honour, celebrate and learn about country, culture and history. Each class decorated its classroom door. There were handprints, fire collages, drawings, footprints, sculptures, stories and a lot of cellophane. Captains Emma and Walker showed me around. We chatted all the way in awe and admiration of the creativity, colour and heart that went into each. Thank you to them, Principal Ben, AP Mel, the entire team, all the students, Sonia Weston and everyone – a truly unifying and special day.