Wednesday, 31 July 2024


Botts Road–Murray Valley Highway, Yarrawonga

Botts Road–Murray Valley Highway, Yarrawonga

Tim McCURDY (Ovens Valley) (19:17): (749) I rise on the adjournment debate today with an issue for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the action that I seek is an onsite inspection with VicRoads and me to discuss two very dangerous issues at one particular intersection: Botts Road and Murray Valley Highway at Yarrawonga. Yarrawonga is one of the fastest if not the fastest growing town in regional Victoria. Much of the town’s growth in housing and commercial development is out to the west side of the town, and coupled with that the Murray Valley Highway is one of the busiest roads in north-east Victoria. Where Botts Road and Murray Valley Highway meet there is a dangerous open channel that is not visible from the highway, and as residents and tourists turn into Botts Road the lack of lighting on that intersection compounds this problem. If a car ends up in this channel, deaths will occur. With the township growing rapidly and more tourists enjoying what the beautiful Yarrawonga has to offer, it is important that we reduce traffic hazards or, as we know, accidents waiting to happen. This would not be an expensive fix, but it would be a proactive approach to road safety problems that exist, and I urge the minister to request a visit that includes me, rather than sometimes what happens when you find out that VicRoads have already been and found there is nothing to see here. I would like to put some context to this intersection, so I would like to meet with them at the intersection. The open channel along with no lighting at this intersection is very dangerous.