Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Constituency questions

Polwarth electorate


Polwarth electorate

Richard RIORDAN (Polwarth) (14:53): (724) My question today is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the question I have for the minister is: when will the Lavers Hill-Cobden Road near Simpson be resurfaced and made safe? Again, you have sent correspondence to constituents advising them that you have proudly made the road safe by lowering a 100-kilometre-an-hour speed limit to 40 ‍kilometres an hour. Treating country people with such disrespect – lowering the speeds of our roads because you do not have the finances, do not have the resources and do not have the management plans to adequately look after our roads – is no solution to country road problems. The Lavers Hill-Cobden Road is an important road. There have been multiple accidents over the last 18 months. The community is tired of the lack of care for this road. It needs repair. Minister, when will it be repaired? And please do not tell us you are keeping the speed limit at 40 kilometres indefinitely.