Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Members statements
David McKenzie Awards
David McKenzie Awards
Vicki WARD (Eltham – Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Minister for Employment) (10:09): David McKenzie has been a teacher, a local councillor and a mayor and was the federal member for Diamond Valley from 1972 to 1975. He has never wavered from his strong passion for social justice and education. What I love about David most, though, is his kindness, so I named an award after him to recognise his contribution as well as those of local primary school students who have shown leadership when it comes to kindness, compassion and empathy.
Congratulations to Mia from Research Primary, Ryan from Eltham East Primary, Anoushka from Glen Katherine Primary, Josie from Montmorency Primary, Harry Lord from Sacred Heart Primary, Levi from Eltham North Primary, Nyssa from Briar Hill Primary, Mayah from Montmorency South Primary, Xavier from Eltham Primary, Blake from our Lady Help of Christians Primary, Micah from Diamond Creek Primary, Samuel from Eltham College, Emma from Holy Trinity Primary, Joshua from North-Eastern Montessori School, Ebony from St Francis Xavier Primary, Opal from Greenhills Primary, Sarah from Lower Plenty Primary, Abbey from Wattle Glen Primary, Dean from Sherbourne Primary, Maggie from Diamond Creek East Primary, Olivia from St Thomas the Apostle Primary and Noah from Apollo Parkways Primary. Thank you so much to all of these young people for the leadership that they show in kindness and looking out for the kids around them.