Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Members statements
Isla Bell
Isla Bell
Daniela DE MARTINO (Monbulk) (10:16): It is with the heaviest of hearts that I rise to pay my respects to Isla Bell, a girl from the hills whose life ended brutally. I stand here today to give Isla and her mother Justine a voice in this place and to pay tribute to a young woman who was loved by so many. Isla had a lifetime of promise ahead, but that was violently taken from her. Her loved ones feel profound grief and a burning anger that another woman’s life has been lost, allegedly at the hands of a man. Justine described Isla to me as a force of nature who was committed to social justice, an activist for women and children, a leader. She told me Isla was always present. She felt deeply for all life forms. She was a balm to everyone else’s pain. She had an IQ through the roof, she was so funny and she was a fighter to the end. In a public statement Justine said:
The reality is we live in a world where men occupy the positions of power and are still making decisions for women whether they like it or not.
A world where women are trafficked, go missing daily, and it barely raises an eyebrow, let alone a mention.
She continued:
When will men care enough … and hold each other accountable? As women, we need to stop forgiving men for their mistakes when they haven’t asked for permission.
The media must also be held accountable. When they smear a woman’s reputation they add fuel to the fire of misogyny. Justine wants to see change in our institutions and society so that women and children no longer die at the hands of violent men. This was Isla’s wish too – that funny, intelligent, caring, empathic, strong young woman who should still be here today. Vale.