Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Kororoit electorate community sport
Kororoit electorate community sport
Luba GRIGOROVITCH (Kororoit) (19:03): (952) My adjournment is for the Minister for Community Sport. The action I seek is for the minister to provide an update on this Labor government’s investment in community sport across my electorate of Kororoit. Since 2014 the Labor government has invested more than $2.3 billion to deliver world-class community sport infrastructure that boosts participation and improves accessibility for more Victorians – programs like the Local Sports Infrastructure Fund, which is helping local communities plan, design and build the facilities that they need, from indoor stadiums and aquatic facilities to upgrades for women and girls, community facilities, all-abilities infrastructure and planning to encourage more people to get involved.
This government is also making community sport more accessible for residents in Kororoit, because we understand the value of community sport. Residents want to be active, safe and engaged in activities that they love. It strengthens local connections and promotes healthier communities. That is why we are addressing cost as a barrier to participation since the introduction of the Get Active Kids voucher in 2020. So many families across my electorate of Kororoit have already benefited from this program. The sporting clubs grants program is another initiative that helps break down barriers to participation as well as supporting local sporting clubs, helping them purchase uniforms and equipment, run new inclusive programs and assist participants to compete in events away from home.
Our communities deserve to have great sporting facilities. By upgrading facilities and removing barriers to entry we are making sure that even more people can get involved in local sport in their own communities. The action I seek is for the minister to provide me with an update on investments in community sport across Kororoit.