Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Members statements
Mainview Boulevard Reserve
Mainview Boulevard Reserve
Sarah CONNOLLY (Laverton) (10:21): This week marks the 10-year anniversary of our Labor government being first elected. It also marks two years since I was re-elected to this place, this time as the member for Laverton. It is fitting, then, that I was able to mark this anniversary by delivering on a major election commitment I made to the people of Trug by commemorating the new lights and scoreboard coming online at Mainview Boulevard in Truganina on Monday.
This upgrade to the oval was made possible by our government investing $280,000 alongside Wyndham City Council. This would not have been possible without the strident advocacy of the local sporting clubs who play at the reserve, especially the advocacy of Trug Thunder football club and their wonderful president Nick Ladbrooke. I have worked closely with Nick and that club over the past couple of years to advocate for these lights to be funded, and this week we were finally able to see them become a reality. The club, along with Truganina Cricket Club, who also uses the reserve, can now benefit from practising and playing at night under their new lights and hold more games at the reserve with their new electronic scoreboard, which is pretty fantastic, I have to tell you.
Since first being elected to this place in 2018 this is the third time I have opened new lighting and scoreboards for community sporting clubs in Wyndham, and it builds on more than $2.3 billion that our government has invested in community sport and recreation infrastructure. As we approach the halfway point in this term, I can proudly cross the commitment off my to-do list, and I look forward to continuing this work for my electorate as we enter the new year.