Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Constituency questions

Benambra electorate

Benambra electorate

Bill TILLEY (Benambra) (14:51): (964) My constituency question is for the Minister for Education. The information I seek is why the Department of Education considers the relocation of the Bandiana Primary School to be a merger. The school council was told that is why the principal was forced to apply for her own job. That process was abandoned before Christmas because it broke department policy, but they are expected to advertise again in the near future. The Australian Defence Force land that Bandiana leases ends on 31 December this year. They have to move, and no other school is involved. It is not a merger but it is a massive change for students, their families and staff. They need the assurance that can be provided by a nationally recognised principal who has led the school to the best NAPLAN results for state schools in my area and being oversubscribed because of its reputation.